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E-Commerce and Modern Web

Harnessing modern software technologies empowers businesses to thrive in a dynamic market. Cloud computing, big data processing, real-time data streaming, and seamless integration with e-commerce, inventory, and CRM systems bolster operational efficiency. Embrace innovation for a competitive advantage.

Time is honey

We have extensive experience in promoting and selling products and services through various projects. Our expertise lies in the areas of subscriptions, apartment rentals, custom pricing calculations, smaller online shops, and integrating payment services. We helping clients to develop efficient and effective solutions in these domains, leveraging our own specialized modules to streamline the development process.

Time is honey

Subscription Module

Our subscription module combines configurable subscriptions, an IAM (Identity and Access Management) system, and integration with payment services. This powerful combination enables you to offer services and products for specific durations and prices, giving you the flexibility to cater to your customers' needs.

Furthermore, we can seamlessly integrate with existing accounting systems through REST APIs, allowing for the automatic generation and sending of invoices or for easy monitoring and control of financial transactions. This integration ensures efficient and accurate billing processes, providing a comprehensive solution for your business needs.

Subscription Module
Price Calculation Module

Price Calculation Module

If you are looking to offer your products and services with custom pricing options, we have the expertise to assist you. We have experience in implementing a dedicated price engine that can be seamlessly integrated into your application landscape through custom development.

Our price engine empowers you to set personalized pricing structures, allowing you to cater to individual customer needs and provide flexible pricing options. With our solution, you can dynamically adjust prices based on various factors such as customer segments, order quantities, discounts, or any other specific criteria you require.

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